St. Therese - MTC Colleges
Training Center
This is ST. THERESE – MTC COLLEGES TRAINING CENTER! Your preferred training institution. To learn more of what the institution has to offer, navigate through the links above. In addition, you can proceed to the section below for news and updates.
Uniquely gifted with a seaside campus which overlooks the lower Guimaras Strait, the Maritime Training Center beckons the warm blooded and the adventurous to carve his niche in the Maritime Industry. So engrossed and determined were the pioneers in fulfilling this avowed objective of turning out only the pick of the crop that they lost no time in laying the appropriate groundwork for such an ambitious program.
The brainstorming finally led to the formation of the nucleus organization whose end view is to serve as a necessary compliment in one integrated system of molding the finest Filipino seamen. That is, as time, effort and resources would allow. It is the realization of the vision of the late founder, Atty. Arturo A. Sebastian.
On March 4, 1983 the Maritime Training Center Inc. came into being and was issued a permit by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports to offer short courses including firefighting, survival at sea, lifeboat handling and first aid at sea. On February 23, 1984, the Maritime Training Center was renamed to the St. Therese – MTC Colleges Training Center.
The St. Therese-MTC Colleges Training Center is ISO 9001:2015 certified and accredited by MARINA for global recognition with quality standards of learning and competence. It is opted to continue to offer quality training services and produces trainees equipped with knowledge, understanding and competence to meet its Vision, Mission and Objectives.
St. Therese-MTC Colleges Training Center is handled and operated by well-trained Instructors and Assessors. A trainee who trains at St. Therese-MTC Colleges Training Center develops, improves, and enhances his/her skills and knowledge during the Training and is competent and compliant with MARINA’s requirement upon the training completion.
The Trainings offered by the Training Center are being offered to all Trainees nationwide who have chosen the St. Therese-MTC Colleges Training Center to undergo the suitable trainings that they are required to take. Determination and dedication are one of the basic requirements and good qualities of a Trainee in order for him/her to complete his/her Trainings where he/she is enrolled in. Upon completion of the Trainings performed, a candidate will be awarded with a Certificate of Completion (CoC).
Training Course requires Medical Certificate. At present, St. Therese – MTC Colleges Training Center
is offering mandated training courses of STCW, 1978 as amended as follows:

Basic Training (BT)
This course covers the requirements of the STCW Amendments as mandated by the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) in the implementation of STCW. This 64–hour course comprises four distinct modules: Personal Survival Techniques (PST), Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF), Elementary First Aid (EFA), and Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR).
- 2 pcs. Passport size ID picture, Medical Cert. with remarks “Fit for training”,
- Birth Certificate/PSA/SRN #, Vaccination Card

Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (RFPNW)
This course covers various subjects that are relevant to the watch-keeping duties and responsibilities of deck ratings forming part of a navigational watch. The course includes theory and practical training utilizing latest Full Mission Bridge Simulator and actual safety equipment such as EPIRB and pyrotechnics.
- 2 pcs. Passport size ID picture,
- BT Certificate, SIRB, Birth Certificate/PSA/SRN #, Vaccination Card

Ratings Forming Part of a Watch in a Manned Engine-Room or Designated to Perform Duties in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-Room (RFPEW)
The Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch (RFPEW) is part of the engine department on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 Kw propulsion power or more and certified according to STCW section A-III/4 and table A-III/4 of the STCW Code.
- 2 pcs. Passport size ID pic.,
- BT Certificate, SIRB, Birth Certificate/PSA/SRN #, Vaccination Card
All Training Courses offered are accredited/or certified by
Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) | 1SO 9001:2015 by DNV (Det Norske Veritas)