
ST-MTCC Tigbauan MOC, NSTP Office, and SEC Conduct NSTP Drill for Freshmen

On Friday, May 3, 2024, St. Therese-MTC Colleges Tigbauan Midshipmen and Midshipwomen Officers Club (MOC), in proud partnership with the NSTP office and the Student Executive Council Tigbauan, conducted their regular NSTP drill with freshmen students. The event was filled with enthusiasm and camaraderie, as students embraced the opportunity to grow and learn together.

The NSTP program is instrumental in fostering a deep sense of nationalism and patriotism among students. It encourages personal growth, civic involvement, and active community participation, shaping responsible and committed citizens. Through these drills, our students not only strengthen their bonds but also prepare to contribute positively to society, embodying the true spirit of service and dedication to the nation.



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